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Worked on concepts and Art Direction for the pitch. Once we won the project, executed all elements this year-long Ford activation for the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut Tri-State Ford Dealers. 


This female-targeted campaign's goal was to get the busy Tri-State "Doer" to put Ford on her shopping list instead of defaulting to imports. We created a campaign to fit her on-the-go lifestyle, that literally put her in the driver's seat to experience Ford's state-of-the-art innovations. We needed to get her to exit from her outdated view of Ford and see that Ford fit her lifestyle. It worked! We surpassed our goals in qualified leads, impressions, intent to purchase and sold more cars than any previous activation. 


This campaign centered around the question of Where To Now? To inspire our Tri-State Doer to get out there and experience the hidden gems of the Tri-State area using Ford innovations.


This hub was designed to house all campaign elements: Pinterest Places Road Trip Ideas, Mobile Tour, Sweepstakes, Influencer Feed. I designed the microsite and wrote the copy for the desktop and mobile versions.

Road Trip Map

My favorite thing to do is find a way to share what our client needs to say in a way our target is open to hearing. That's why I proposed this Pinterest Places map—to inspire road trips while seamlessly sharing Ford innovations. I researched all of the places and technology, wrote the copy and sourced the imagery. And had a blast doing so.

Influencer Social Feed

This page introduced our influencers and aggregated all of their #FordWhereToNow posts, as well as their road trip videos. I wrote the bios, pulled relevant existing "Tri-State Hidden Gems" from their feeds, sourced the aggregator (TINT), and collaborated with our New York social team on the posts and road trip videos.

Mobile Tour Schedule

Since Ford's in house team was physically creating this site and we wouldn't have a chance to updated it once finished, I recommended using an Ajax Event Calendar so it could be easily updated remotely throughout the campaign. UpTo was the best fit for our client's budget and resources.

Mobile Tour Footprint

This footprint traveled the Tri-state for 5 months and did the heavy lifting to generate qualified leads. Every touchpoint fit our #WhereToNow theme. It featured a car showcase, an over-sized interactive touchscreen for our Pinterest Places map, an animated gif "Dream Destination" photo opp, lifestyle-related pedestals to highlight Ford's four brand pillars, sweeps entry and raffles. I designed all of the elements, wrote the copy, sourced the props, including making recycled "sand" art pillar.

Animated Gif Photo Opp

We created this activity so our target could literally see herself going places in a Ford. She registered and chose her dream destination, posed with a Ford vehicle on green screen and received an email with an animated gif she could share on social media. She also received a follow-up email with a $500 rebate offer. I designed the destinations and sourced the imagery and worked closely with our vendor, Mozeus.

IKEA PackNGo Challenge

How do you get the busy IKEA shopper to stop at our tent? With a fun Pack-N-Go Challenge. While competitor's waited for their chance to win, they perused the Ford vehicles and registered for our Where To Now Sweepstakes.

Where To Now Sweepstakes
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